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The Baby Proofing Process

We are here to keep your little one safer, make your daily life easier, & keep your home looking great!
Here is the Safer Babies process:


Understanding dangers and solutions. 

Scroll below to compare & select from our initial services: 

Virtual Consult, In-Home Consult, or Email Quote. 
Each of those options will result (soon after) in a custom safety proposal emailed to you.


You tell us if/ what solutions you'd like us to implement for you.


We agree on an install date.


Install Day! We will install the best products, with craftsman-level skill, and friendly service.

Virtual Consult

Cost: $15

Book a future appointment to discuss your concerns, and discuss hazards & solutions. .


*Virtual appointment slots are generally on Mondays, so if you click on any Monday date in the booking calendar, open slots will appear. 

Email Quote 

Cost: FREE

Let us know what baby-proofing solutions you'd like installed by filling out our quote form. 

The form also has an area for comments, and you can upload photos.  


*If you'd like you can include measurements in the comment section of any item. 

In-Home Consult

Cost $49

*Fill out our in-home consult request form.  We'll be in touch to schedule your consult.


At your consult, we'll go through your home with you, room by room to discuss your concerns and  hazards & solutions.

We'll also measure for any custom work.

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